I am starting to prepare my petrology labs for next spring and am noticing a few holes in our collection. Does anyone have a garnet peridotite hand-sample I could purchase for a reasonable price? It would need to be large enough to make a thin-section and have some good rock left over. I would cover shipping as well.
Thank you.
Kent Ratajeski
Dr. Kent Ratajeski
Lecturer and Dice Mineralogical Museum Director
North Hall 081
Department of Geology, Geography, and Environment
Calvin University
3201 Burton St. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
(616) 526-6769
I am starting to prepare my petrology labs for next spring and am noticing a few holes in our collection. Does anyone have a garnet peridotite hand-sample I could purchase for a reasonable price? It would need to be large enough to make a thin-section and have some good rock left over. I would cover shipping as well.
Thank you.
Kent Ratajeski
Dr. Kent Ratajeski
Lecturer and Dice Mineralogical Museum Director
North Hall 081
Department of Geology, Geography, and Environment
Calvin University
3201 Burton St. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
(616) 526-6769