MSA-Pegmatite Interest Group

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Recent publications on pegmatites

MSA-Pegmatite Interest Group
Fri, Dec 20, 2019 5:24 PM

Hello PIGs:

Mike Menzies has offered to send PDF copies of this article, subject to the same copyright restrictions and uses as described in my prior email:

Hage, R., & Menzies, M.A. (2018): The Little Gem Amethyst mine, Jefferson County, Montana. Rocks & Minerals, 93, 498-516.

The article describes an uncommon occurrence of amethyst in miarolitic cavities of a granitic pegmatite. His email address is:

David London
School of Geosciences, University of Oklahoma
100 East Boyd Street, Room 710 Sarkeys Energy Center
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
(405) 325 3253 (o), (405) 325 3140 (f)

Pegmatite Interest Group:

Hello PIGs: Mike Menzies has offered to send PDF copies of this article, subject to the same copyright restrictions and uses as described in my prior email: Hage, R., & Menzies, M.A. (2018): The Little Gem Amethyst mine, Jefferson County, Montana. Rocks & Minerals, 93, 498-516. The article describes an uncommon occurrence of amethyst in miarolitic cavities of a granitic pegmatite. His email address is: David London School of Geosciences, University of Oklahoma 100 East Boyd Street, Room 710 Sarkeys Energy Center Norman, Oklahoma 73019 (405) 325 3253 (o), (405) 325 3140 (f) Pegmatite Interest Group: