Dear colleagues:
This is a call for abstracts for the Goldschmidt 2025 Session “05j Multi-scale Geochemical Mapping for Mineral Resource Management”, under Theme 05: Earth Resources and Energy. The Conference will be held in Prague, 6-11 July 2025. We warmly invite you to submit your abstract at
Session Description:
Geochemical mapping is an essential tool in any study concerning Earth’s surface, regardless of scale. In an era where mineral raw materials play a critical role in the energy transition towards a greener society, regional geochemical mapping is particularly valuable to reveal metallogenic provinces with high ore potential. At more local mapping scales, geochemical studies can be directed towards identifying the provenance of certain elements or groups of elements. These local-scale geochemical surveys provide greater detail, offering insights that can be crucial for understanding the primary and secondary distribution and behaviour of elements, including mine tailings, which are becoming a valuable potential resource. The flexibility and applicability of geochemical mapping across various scales and disciplines underscores its indispensable role in mineral resource management. This session invites contributions on all aspects of mineral resource management including secondary resources.
Submissions are welcome that focus on (1) exploration targeting for new mineral deposits, and (2) improving metal recovery from both primary ores and mine wastes.
Keynote: Alecos Demetriades (IUGS-CGGB Chair)
Grant Application deadline: 12 February 2025
The abstract submission deadline: 26 February 2025
For more information:
Please do feel free to forward this announcement to any further interested people. We are looking forward to your contribution and participation!
Best regards,
The session conveners
Paula Adánez Sanjuan (CN-IGME, CSIC), Cristina Villanova-De-Benavent (Universitat de Barcelona), Sisir K Mondal (Jadavpur University), Anna Vymazalova (Czech Geological Survey), Maria Joao Batista (Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia) and Erick Ramanaidou (CSIRO).
[JU Logo]
Prof. Dr Sisir Kanti Mondal
Department of Geological Sciences
Jadavpur University
Kolkata-700032, India
Mobile: 8910384695
Web: Jadavpur University
Other affiliation:
American Museum of Natural History
ORCiD Google Scholar
ResearchGate LinkedIn
Dear colleagues:
This is a call for abstracts for the Goldschmidt 2025 Session “05j Multi-scale Geochemical Mapping for Mineral Resource Management”, under Theme 05: Earth Resources and Energy. The Conference will be held in Prague, 6-11 July 2025. We warmly invite you to submit your abstract at
Session Description:
Geochemical mapping is an essential tool in any study concerning Earth’s surface, regardless of scale. In an era where mineral raw materials play a critical role in the energy transition towards a greener society, regional geochemical mapping is particularly valuable to reveal metallogenic provinces with high ore potential. At more local mapping scales, geochemical studies can be directed towards identifying the provenance of certain elements or groups of elements. These local-scale geochemical surveys provide greater detail, offering insights that can be crucial for understanding the primary and secondary distribution and behaviour of elements, including mine tailings, which are becoming a valuable potential resource. The flexibility and applicability of geochemical mapping across various scales and disciplines underscores its indispensable role in mineral resource management. This session invites contributions on all aspects of mineral resource management including secondary resources.
Submissions are welcome that focus on (1) exploration targeting for new mineral deposits, and (2) improving metal recovery from both primary ores and mine wastes.
Keynote: Alecos Demetriades (IUGS-CGGB Chair)
Grant Application deadline: 12 February 2025
The abstract submission deadline: 26 February 2025
For more information:
Please do feel free to forward this announcement to any further interested people. We are looking forward to your contribution and participation!
Best regards,
The session conveners
Paula Adánez Sanjuan (CN-IGME, CSIC), Cristina Villanova-De-Benavent (Universitat de Barcelona), Sisir K Mondal (Jadavpur University), Anna Vymazalova (Czech Geological Survey), Maria Joao Batista (Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia) and Erick Ramanaidou (CSIRO).
[JU Logo]
Prof. Dr Sisir Kanti Mondal
Department of Geological Sciences
Jadavpur University
Kolkata-700032, India
Mobile: 8910384695
Web: Jadavpur University<>
Other affiliation:
American Museum of Natural History<>
ORCiD<> Google Scholar<>
ResearchGate<> LinkedIn<>