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Applying to Grad School Virtual Panel - July 17

Fischer, Emily
Mon, Jul 8, 2024 3:46 PM

Dear students,

Please join the GSA MGPV student reps on Wednesday, July 17 at 1 pm ET
for a panel discussion about everything you need to know when applying to
grad school.

Our panelists represent a wide range of experience at different levels of
grad school:

Sumedh Dantale, B.S., is an MSc student at the University of Geneva,
Switzerland, and will offer his perspective on applying to a grad school
outside of the US.

Madeline Murchland, MSc, is an incoming PhD student at Colorado School of
Mines, with experience successfully applying to an MSc and PhD program and
different schools.

Claire McLeod, PhD, is an Associate Professor and the Director of the
Graduate Program at Miami University. She will talk about the application
process from the perspective of an advisor.

Topics to be discussed include how to find positions, how to reach out to
potential advisors, and how to successfully prepare your application. There
will be plenty of opportunities for questions during the panel, but if you
would like to submit any questions earlier, you can use this form

This event is open to any interested student and will be recorded. Please
feel free to share this with anyone who may be interested in attending.

Zoom link:

We hope to see you there!

[image: Grad School panel.png]

*Emily Fischer *
Ph.D. Student
Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science
Brown University

Dear students, Please join the GSA MGPV student reps on *Wednesday, July 17 at 1 pm ET* for a panel discussion about everything you need to know when applying to grad school. Our panelists represent a wide range of experience at different levels of grad school: *Sumedh Dantale*, B.S., is an MSc student at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and will offer his perspective on applying to a grad school outside of the US. *Madeline Murchland*, MSc, is an incoming PhD student at Colorado School of Mines, with experience successfully applying to an MSc and PhD program and different schools. *Claire McLeod*, PhD, is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Graduate Program at Miami University. She will talk about the application process from the perspective of an advisor. Topics to be discussed include how to find positions, how to reach out to potential advisors, and how to successfully prepare your application. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions during the panel, but if you would like to submit any questions earlier, you can use this form <>. This event is open to any interested student and will be recorded. Please feel free to share this with anyone who may be interested in attending. Zoom link: We hope to see you there! [image: Grad School panel.png] -- *Emily Fischer * Ph.D. Student Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science Brown University
Moeller, Andreas
Mon, Jul 8, 2024 5:42 PM

I would like to point to this resource generated by 2 geoscience students for geoscience students.

Best wishes,

Dr. Andreas Möller (Associate Professor)
Chair of Graduate Admission - Geology
The University of Kansas - Department of Geology
1475 Jayhawk Blvd. - Lawrence, KS 66045.- USA -
+1 (785) 864-1447

From: ""
Reply-To: "Fischer, Emily"
Date: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 12:26 PM
To: ""
Subject: [MSA-talk] Applying to Grad School Virtual Panel - July 17

Dear students,

Please join the GSA MGPV student reps on Wednesday, July 17 at 1 pm ET for a panel discussion about everything you need to know when applying to grad school.

Our panelists represent a wide range of experience at different levels of grad school:

Sumedh Dantale, B.S., is an MSc student at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and will offer his perspective on applying to a grad school outside of the US.

Madeline Murchland, MSc, is an incoming PhD student at Colorado School of Mines, with experience successfully applying to an MSc and PhD program and different schools.

Claire McLeod, PhD, is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Graduate Program at Miami University. She will talk about the application process from the perspective of an advisor.

Topics to be discussed include how to find positions, how to reach out to potential advisors, and how to successfully prepare your application. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions during the panel, but if you would like to submit any questions earlier, you can use this form

This event is open to any interested student and will be recorded. Please feel free to share this with anyone who may be interested in attending.

Zoom link:

We hope to see you there!


Emily Fischer
Ph.D. Student
Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science
Brown University

I would like to point to this resource generated by 2 geoscience students for geoscience students. Best wishes, Andreas ————————————————— Dr. Andreas Möller (Associate Professor) Chair of Graduate Admission - Geology The University of Kansas - Department of Geology 1475 Jayhawk Blvd. - Lawrence, KS 66045.- USA - +1 (785) 864-1447 From: "" <> Reply-To: "Fischer, Emily" <> Date: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 12:26 PM To: "" <> Subject: [MSA-talk] Applying to Grad School Virtual Panel - July 17 Dear students, Please join the GSA MGPV student reps on Wednesday, July 17 at 1 pm ET for a panel discussion about everything you need to know when applying to grad school. Our panelists represent a wide range of experience at different levels of grad school: Sumedh Dantale, B.S., is an MSc student at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and will offer his perspective on applying to a grad school outside of the US. Madeline Murchland, MSc, is an incoming PhD student at Colorado School of Mines, with experience successfully applying to an MSc and PhD program and different schools. Claire McLeod, PhD, is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Graduate Program at Miami University. She will talk about the application process from the perspective of an advisor. Topics to be discussed include how to find positions, how to reach out to potential advisors, and how to successfully prepare your application. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions during the panel, but if you would like to submit any questions earlier, you can use this form<>. This event is open to any interested student and will be recorded. Please feel free to share this with anyone who may be interested in attending. Zoom link:<> We hope to see you there! [cid:image001.png@01DAD134.526AB380] -- Emily Fischer Ph.D. Student Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science Brown University
Mogk, David
Mon, Jul 8, 2024 6:32 PM

You might also want to check out this website on: Preparing for a Career in Nanoscience in the Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Although this website was developed to encourage recruitment to Nanoscience careers in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, the advice is pretty much universal to help students in their career development. Beyond recommended coursework, there is advice on personal and professional skills that are needed and extracurricular activities and experiences that help build a student’s portfolio.  Recommendations are provided for undergraduate and graduate students and their mentors. Please forward to interested students and colleagues. Feedback is welcome. Just another perspective to help students succeed.
Dave Mogk
MONT, National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure progra

From: Moeller, Andreas via MSA-talk
Date: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 12:09 PM
To: Fischer, Emily,
Subject: [MSA-talk] Re: Applying to Grad School Virtual Panel - July 17

External Sender
I would like to point to this resource generated by 2 geoscience students for geoscience students.

Best wishes,

Dr. Andreas Möller (Associate Professor)
Chair of Graduate Admission - Geology
The University of Kansas - Department of Geology
1475 Jayhawk Blvd. - Lawrence, KS 66045.- USA -
+1 (785) 864-1447

From: ""
Reply-To: "Fischer, Emily"
Date: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 12:26 PM
To: ""
Subject: [MSA-talk] Applying to Grad School Virtual Panel - July 17

Dear students,

Please join the GSA MGPV student reps on Wednesday, July 17 at 1 pm ET for a panel discussion about everything you need to know when applying to grad school.

Our panelists represent a wide range of experience at different levels of grad school:

Sumedh Dantale, B.S., is an MSc student at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and will offer his perspective on applying to a grad school outside of the US.

Madeline Murchland, MSc, is an incoming PhD student at Colorado School of Mines, with experience successfully applying to an MSc and PhD program and different schools.

Claire McLeod, PhD, is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Graduate Program at Miami University. She will talk about the application process from the perspective of an advisor.

Topics to be discussed include how to find positions, how to reach out to potential advisors, and how to successfully prepare your application. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions during the panel, but if you would like to submit any questions earlier, you can use this form

This event is open to any interested student and will be recorded. Please feel free to share this with anyone who may be interested in attending.

Zoom link:

We hope to see you there!


Emily Fischer
Ph.D. Student
Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science
Brown University

Folks, You might also want to check out this website on: Preparing for a Career in Nanoscience in the Earth and Environmental Sciences. Although this website was developed to encourage recruitment to Nanoscience careers in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, the advice is pretty much universal to help students in their career development. Beyond recommended coursework, there is advice on personal and professional skills that are needed and extracurricular activities and experiences that help build a student’s portfolio. Recommendations are provided for undergraduate and graduate students and their mentors. Please forward to interested students and colleagues. Feedback is welcome. Just another perspective to help students succeed. Dave Mogk MONT, National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure progra From: Moeller, Andreas via MSA-talk <> Date: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 12:09 PM To: Fischer, Emily <>, <> Subject: [MSA-talk] Re: Applying to Grad School Virtual Panel - July 17 **External Sender** I would like to point to this resource generated by 2 geoscience students for geoscience students. Best wishes, Andreas ————————————————— Dr. Andreas Möller (Associate Professor) Chair of Graduate Admission - Geology The University of Kansas - Department of Geology 1475 Jayhawk Blvd. - Lawrence, KS 66045.- USA - +1 (785) 864-1447 From: "" <> Reply-To: "Fischer, Emily" <> Date: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 12:26 PM To: "" <> Subject: [MSA-talk] Applying to Grad School Virtual Panel - July 17 Dear students, Please join the GSA MGPV student reps on Wednesday, July 17 at 1 pm ET for a panel discussion about everything you need to know when applying to grad school. Our panelists represent a wide range of experience at different levels of grad school: Sumedh Dantale, B.S., is an MSc student at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and will offer his perspective on applying to a grad school outside of the US. Madeline Murchland, MSc, is an incoming PhD student at Colorado School of Mines, with experience successfully applying to an MSc and PhD program and different schools. Claire McLeod, PhD, is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Graduate Program at Miami University. She will talk about the application process from the perspective of an advisor. Topics to be discussed include how to find positions, how to reach out to potential advisors, and how to successfully prepare your application. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions during the panel, but if you would like to submit any questions earlier, you can use this form<>. This event is open to any interested student and will be recorded. Please feel free to share this with anyone who may be interested in attending. Zoom link:<> We hope to see you there! [cid:image001.png@01DAD134.526AB380] -- Emily Fischer Ph.D. Student Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science Brown University