Hello PIGs:
In the past, I invited you to submit citations to your articles in print for posting on Hog Holler, a
bibliography of annual publications about pegmatites. As submissions waned, I began
compiling entries listed by GeoRef. That was arduous. In a recent memo, I remarked that
many PIG readers do not have access to academic journals, where most of these articles
PIG cannot post PDF versions of recent articles unless these are released under Open
Access rules. However, you are welcome to notify me of your own recent publications that
you would like PIGs to be aware of. I can post that invitation to the PIG page. PIGs can
contact you directly for a PDF or paper print copy, which you are free to provide as an author
under the rules of most journal publishers.
David London
Stubbman-Drace Presidential Professor, Norman R. Gelphman Professor of Geology, and
Director, Electron Microprobe Laboratory
School of Geology & Geophysics, University of Oklahoma
100 East Boyd Street, Room 710 Sarkeys Energy Center
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
Electron Microprobe Laboratory: https//ors.ou.edu/Microprobe/OUEMPLHome.html
(405) 325 3253 (o)
(405) 325 3140 (f)