Dear colleagues,
I would be grateful if you could pass on the following opportunity to your undergraduates:
Myself (Head of Petrology, School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK) and colleagues in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol have an STFC funded PhD studentship available in the area of planetary science.
The single studentship will be awarded competitively. There are three possible projects to choose from:
1 | Benchmarking major element isotopic compositions of chondritic meteorites (supervisors: Tim Elliott and Chris Coath)
2 | Comparative planetary seismology across the telluric planets (supervisor: Jessica Irving)
3 | An embarrassment of riches: reconciling our solar system’s platinum problem (supervisors: Oliver Lord, Ian Parkinson, Kathryn Shaw)
Application deadline: 12th of February 2025
Please send any enquiries to
Additional project details can be found here:
Apply online here:
All the best,
Oliver Lord
[University of Bristol, School of Earth Sciences]
Oliver Thomas Lord
Royal Society University Research Fellow & Head of the Petrology Group | University of Bristol, School of Earth Sciences
phone: +44 (0)117 3314762tel:+44%20(0)117%203314762
address: Room G40, Wills Memorial Building, Queen's Road, Bristol, BS81RJ