It's official - MSA enters its second century!

Announce list from MSA
Tue, Dec 31, 2019 2:57 PM

Dear MSA Members:

The Mineralogical Society of America was founded one hundred years ago, on December 30, 1919. Thanks to its loyal members who serve on its committees, edit and review its publications, convene workshops and sessions at meetings, and participate in many other MSA events, it remains a thriving society a century later. We can all be proud to be part of a robust community of mineralogists, crystallographers, petrologists, and geochemists who undertake fundamental research about Earth’s natural materials and educate and mentor the next generation of experts.

With the new year, we start MSA’s second century. Congratulations to all past and present members for this accomplishment!

Carol Frost, 2020 MSA President

Dear MSA Members: The Mineralogical Society of America was founded one hundred years ago, on December 30, 1919. Thanks to its loyal members who serve on its committees, edit and review its publications, convene workshops and sessions at meetings, and participate in many other MSA events, it remains a thriving society a century later. We can all be proud to be part of a robust community of mineralogists, crystallographers, petrologists, and geochemists who undertake fundamental research about Earth’s natural materials and educate and mentor the next generation of experts. With the new year, we start MSA’s second century. Congratulations to all past and present members for this accomplishment! Carol Frost, 2020 MSA President