Dear all,
Associated with recent changes in our degree programmes and a conscious desire to expand our experimental research portfolio, the Department of Earth Sciences at UCL are now seeking a full-time (tenured) Lecturer in Experimental Petrology or Mineralogy. We are looking for an enthusiastic new colleague working in any field of petrology and/or mineralogy to contribute across all aspects of academic life in our department at UCL and would encourage you to pass this on to anyone that may be interested.
The full advert, including details of how to apply (closing date January 31st), can be found at
Any questions or informal enquiries can be directed to me by emailing
Best wishes,
Dr. Andrew R. Thomson (Pronouns: he/him)
Associate Professor
Department of Earth Sciences
University College London
Kathleen Lonsdale Building
5 Gower Place, London, WC1E 6BS.
I do not expect you to read, action or respond outside your normal work hours.