Hello MSA-talk,
We are in the process of revitalizing our social media presence to attract
new members or mineral enthusiasts and share with them the exciting world
of mineralogy. This means we would like to use our social media pages
(LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram) to feature YOU or YOUR LAB!
Mineralogy has such diverse applications and uses that we would like to
highlight for the public. Whether your lab is doing interesting research,
you have exciting stories from the field to share, you have just published
a new paper, or you work in a cool industry field, we would love for you to
share with us and the community.
If you are interested in sharing, please think about submitting to our Google
Docs Form
We would like you to provide a short title and description for your
submission, along with up to 9 photos. Your submission will be made into a
post and shared on our social media pages. In Fall 2025, we will look at
which post has been the most popular and will reward its author with a free
RIMG volume of their choice!
We hope you will consider submitting and sharing what you do with our
mineral-loving public so we can get the word out there about career paths
and research in the Earth Sciences.
Thankful to all of you and wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
The MSA Social Media Committee
Dr. Andrea Koziol
Dept. of Geology And Environmental Geosciences
300 College Park
Dayton OH 45469-2364
Voice: 937-229-2954
Hello MSA-talk,
We are in the process of revitalizing our social media presence to attract
new members or mineral enthusiasts and share with them the exciting world
of mineralogy. This means we would like to use our social media pages
(LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram) to feature YOU or YOUR LAB!
Mineralogy has such diverse applications and uses that we would like to
highlight for the public. Whether your lab is doing interesting research,
you have exciting stories from the field to share, you have just published
a new paper, or you work in a cool industry field, we would love for you to
share with us and the community.
If you are interested in sharing, please think about submitting to our Google
Docs Form
We would like you to provide a short title and description for your
submission, along with up to 9 photos. Your submission will be made into a
post and shared on our social media pages. In Fall 2025, we will look at
which post has been the most popular and will reward its author with a free
RIMG volume of their choice!
We hope you will consider submitting and sharing what you do with our
mineral-loving public so we can get the word out there about career paths
and research in the Earth Sciences.
Thankful to all of you and wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
The MSA Social Media Committee
Dr. Andrea Koziol
Dept. of Geology And Environmental Geosciences
300 College Park
Dayton OH 45469-2364
Voice: 937-229-2954