MSA Annual Business Meeting and GSA Annual Meeting

Announce list from MSA
Thu, Sep 17, 2020 7:40 PM

MSA’s Annual Business Meeting for members will be on Saturday, October 24, 2020 at 3:00 PM Eastern via Zoom.  Information on how to register for the meeting will be in the October MSA-Announce.

GSA 2020 Connects Online:  The Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America (and thus the Mineralogical Society of America) will be held virtually from October 26 - 30, 2020.  Registration is now open and the Early Registration Deadline is September 21, 2020.  There is free registration for student members.  GSA member pricing is available for any member of a GSA Associated Society, like MSA.  During the registration process, Associated Society members will be required to enter their MSA Member ID number.
GSA 2020 has created a platform with a virtual lobby, auditorium, tech session rooms, Resource and Innovation Center, the GSA HQ booth, and a chat room.  Each session’s recorded videos will be available to watch ahead of time, so you may plan any questions you would like to ask during the live Q&A.  Look for more information and webinars about navigating the platform as the meeting gets closer.

MSA non-technical sessions other than the Annual Business Meeting have been canceled or delayed until GSA 2021 in Portland.  Also delayed are sessions organized in honor of the 2020 awardees.

Information on the technical sessions is online  However, as an aid to planning, the 70 sessions sponsored by MSA, the MGPV Division of GSA, and the Geochemical Society have been extracted here:

·        T002. Assembling Laurentia: Paleozoic Mobile Margins I.

·        T002. Assembling Laurentia: Paleozoic Mobile Margins II.

·        T003. Assembling Laurentia: Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution of Laurentia and Its Role within the Supercontinent Rodinia I.

·        T003. Assembling Laurentia: Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution of Laurentia and Its Role within the Supercontinent Rodinia II.

·        T008. From Rodinia to Pangea: Evolution of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen I.

·        T008. From Rodinia to Pangea: Evolution of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen II.

·        T009. Assembling Laurentia: GEON 14 Enigmas and Advances in Understanding the Crustal Evolution and Paleogeography of the Early Mesoproterozoic North America.

·        T010. Subduction Zone Slip Behavior: The Intersection of Deformation and Metamorphism.

·        T012. Assembling Laurentia: Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Rifting and Continental Margin Evolution during Breakup of Rodinia and Pannotia.

·        T013. Some like It HOT: The Role of Late Extensional Tectonics in Collisional Orogens, with Special Emphasis on the Grenville Orogen.

·        T016. Assembling Laurentia: Growth of the Western Continental Margin by Subduction, with or without Terrane Accretion, 190-70 Ma I.

·        T016. Assembling Laurentia: Growth of the Western Continental Margin by Subduction, with or without Terrane Accretion, 190-70 Ma II.

·        T027. Approaches for Extracting Shear Zone History from the Ductile Rock Record: Probing Their Initiation, Evolution, and Reactivation I.

·        T027. Approaches for Extracting Shear Zone History from the Ductile Rock Record: Probing Their Initiation, Evolution, and Reactivation II.

·        T030. Assembling Laurentia: Neoarchean Crust Formation and Cratonization.

·        T032. Assembling Laurentia: Turning Points in Paleoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution I.

·        T032. Assembling Laurentia: Turning Points in Paleoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution II.

·        T033. Evolving Perspectives on the Tonian Biosphere and Environmental Change.

·        T035. Building the SZ4D Magmatic Drivers of Eruption Theme: Geologic Evidence from Active and Exhumed Arcs.

·        T036. Experimental and Petrologic Investigation of Halogens, Sulfur, and Other Volatile Species in Igneous Systems: In Honor of Jim Webster.

·        T038. From the Micro to Macro in Metamorphic Geology: Constraining Tectono-Metamorphic Processes with High-Resolution Approaches.

·        T039. Granulite Terranes and Evolution of Continental Lower Crust: Insights from the Canadian Shield and Beyond I.

·        T039. Granulite Terranes and Evolution of Continental Lower Crust: Insights from the Canadian Shield and Beyond II.

·        T041. Volcanism and Tectonics along Rifts and Volcanic Arcs: Understanding the Relationships between Timing, Volumes, and Distributions I.

·        T041. Volcanism and Tectonics along Rifts and Volcanic Arcs: Understanding the Relationships between Timing, Volumes, and Distributions II.

·        T046. An Interdisciplinary View of Paleozoic Glaciations and Icehouse Climates: Sedimentology, Paleoclimate, Paleontology, Geochemistry, Geochronology, and Modeling.

·        T050. Interactions between Life, Tectonics, Climate, and Sedimentary Systems at the Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian Transition I.

·        T050. Interactions between Life, Tectonics, Climate, and Sedimentary Systems at the Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian Transition II.

·        T051. Oceans and Climates through Earth History: From Proxy Reconstructions to Model Assessments (Posters).

·        T055. Insights from Microfossils and Their Modern Analogs: From Traditional to Emerging Approaches (Posters).

·        T056. Co-Evolution of Earth’s Surface Environment and Eukaryotic Life from the Mid-Proterozoic to Early Paleozoic.

·        T062. The Co-Evolution of Phanerozoic Climate, Landscapes, and Terrestrial Ecosystems I.

·        T062. The Co-Evolution of Phanerozoic Climate, Landscapes, and Terrestrial Ecosystems II.

·        T067. Trends and Patterns in Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Biodiversity and Evolutionary Originations I.

·        T067. Trends and Patterns in Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Biodiversity and Evolutionary Originations II.

·        T077. New Insights into the History of Life from Novel Techniques.

·        T087. Growing a Skeleton: Methodological and Theoretical Approaches to Unraveling the Stories Preserved in Skeletal Materials I.

·        T087. Growing a Skeleton: Methodological and Theoretical Approaches to Unraveling the Stories Preserved in Skeletal Materials II.

·        T095. Sigma Gamma Epsilon Student Research (Posters).

·        T096. Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry: New Approaches to Harnessing the Multidimensionality of Complex Systems I.

·        T096. Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry: New Approaches to Harnessing the Multidimensionality of Complex Systems II.

·        T098. Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Under Climate and Anthropogenic Change.

·        T101. Fundamental Insights from Field and Laboratory Studies Related to the Genesis and Ore-Forming Processes Associated with Granitoid Generation and Evolution to Their Related Alteration and Mineralization.

·        T103. Geochemical Signatures of Fluid-Rock Interaction: Earth Surface Weathering to Hydrothermal Systems I.

·        T103. Geochemical Signatures of Fluid-Rock Interaction: Earth Surface Weathering to Hydrothermal Systems II.

·        T105. Assessing the Fidelity of Geochemical Signals in Deep Time: Primary, Authigenic, and Diagenetic Signals in Proxy Data.

·        T107. Integrating Geochronological, Geochemical, and Petrological Data—Progress in Petrochronology and Applications.

·        T109. Bridging the Laboratory–Database Divide in Geochemistry.

·        T118. Impact Cratering across the Solar System.

·        T123. Rocks from Space! Using Meteorites to Understand the Physical, Chemical, and Mineralogical Evolution of Planetary Bodies.

·        T126. Mapping, Minerals, and Metamorphism—Work Small, Think Big I: A Tribute to the Life of Peter Robinson.

·        T126. Mapping, Minerals, and Metamorphism—Work Small, Think Big II: A Tribute to the Life of Peter Robinson.

·        T127. Gemological Research in the 21st Century: Gem Minerals and Localities.

·        T147. Anthropocene Sedimentology: Exploring Human-Sediment Interactions.

·        T153. Soils and Long-Term Environmental Change I.

·        T153. Soils and Long-Term Environmental Change II.

·        T166. Lakes of the World through Time and Space I.

·        T166. Lakes of the World through Time and Space II.

·        T179. Applications for DNA Sequencing and Microbial Analysis in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geosciences.

·        T182. Novel Outcomes in the Hydrologic Sciences: Emerging Areas of Research, New Educational Approaches, Broadening Participation, and Societal Impact.

·        T201. Urban Geochemistry.

·        T205. Water, Health and Wealth in a Changing World.

·        T206. Global Water Resources and Geohealth: Tracing Inorganic Contaminant Origins, Evaluating Human Health Risks, and Remediation/ Mitigation Strategies.

·        T207. Lead Pollution, Exposure, Health Risks, and Mitigation Strategies I.

·        T207. Lead Pollution, Exposure, Health Risks, and Mitigation Strategies II.

·        T208. Environmental Geochemistry and Health I.

·        T208. Environmental Geochemistry and Health II.

·        T209. It’s the Dose That Makes the Poison: Advances in Exposure and Dose Assessment for Practical Medical Geology.

·        T215. Advances in Mineral Chemistry for Petrogenesis and Exploration of Mineral Deposits.

·        T216. Rare Earth Elements: The Behavior of Critical Minerals in Sedimentary, Magmatic, and Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems.

MSA’s Annual Business Meeting for members will be on Saturday, October 24, 2020 at 3:00 PM Eastern via Zoom. Information on how to register for the meeting will be in the October MSA-Announce. ************** GSA 2020 Connects Online: The Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America (and thus the Mineralogical Society of America) will be held virtually from October 26 - 30, 2020. Registration<> is now open and the Early Registration Deadline is September 21, 2020. There is free registration for student members. GSA member pricing is available for any member of a GSA Associated Society, like MSA. During the registration process, Associated Society<> members will be required to enter their MSA Member ID number. GSA 2020 has created a platform with a virtual lobby, auditorium, tech session rooms, Resource and Innovation Center, the GSA HQ booth, and a chat room. Each session’s recorded videos will be available to watch ahead of time, so you may plan any questions you would like to ask during the live Q&A. Look for more information and webinars about navigating the platform as the meeting gets closer. MSA non-technical sessions other than the Annual Business Meeting have been canceled or delayed until GSA 2021 in Portland. Also delayed are sessions organized in honor of the 2020 awardees. Information on the technical sessions is online<>. However, as an aid to planning, the 70 sessions sponsored by MSA, the MGPV Division of GSA, and the Geochemical Society have been extracted here: · T002. Assembling Laurentia: Paleozoic Mobile Margins I. · T002. Assembling Laurentia: Paleozoic Mobile Margins II. · T003. Assembling Laurentia: Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution of Laurentia and Its Role within the Supercontinent Rodinia I. · T003. Assembling Laurentia: Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution of Laurentia and Its Role within the Supercontinent Rodinia II. · T008. From Rodinia to Pangea: Evolution of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen I. · T008. From Rodinia to Pangea: Evolution of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen II. · T009. Assembling Laurentia: GEON 14 Enigmas and Advances in Understanding the Crustal Evolution and Paleogeography of the Early Mesoproterozoic North America. · T010. Subduction Zone Slip Behavior: The Intersection of Deformation and Metamorphism. · T012. Assembling Laurentia: Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Rifting and Continental Margin Evolution during Breakup of Rodinia and Pannotia. · T013. Some like It HOT: The Role of Late Extensional Tectonics in Collisional Orogens, with Special Emphasis on the Grenville Orogen. · T016. Assembling Laurentia: Growth of the Western Continental Margin by Subduction, with or without Terrane Accretion, 190-70 Ma I. · T016. Assembling Laurentia: Growth of the Western Continental Margin by Subduction, with or without Terrane Accretion, 190-70 Ma II. · T027. Approaches for Extracting Shear Zone History from the Ductile Rock Record: Probing Their Initiation, Evolution, and Reactivation I. · T027. Approaches for Extracting Shear Zone History from the Ductile Rock Record: Probing Their Initiation, Evolution, and Reactivation II. · T030. Assembling Laurentia: Neoarchean Crust Formation and Cratonization. · T032. Assembling Laurentia: Turning Points in Paleoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution I. · T032. Assembling Laurentia: Turning Points in Paleoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution II. · T033. Evolving Perspectives on the Tonian Biosphere and Environmental Change. · T035. Building the SZ4D Magmatic Drivers of Eruption Theme: Geologic Evidence from Active and Exhumed Arcs. · T036. Experimental and Petrologic Investigation of Halogens, Sulfur, and Other Volatile Species in Igneous Systems: In Honor of Jim Webster. · T038. From the Micro to Macro in Metamorphic Geology: Constraining Tectono-Metamorphic Processes with High-Resolution Approaches. · T039. Granulite Terranes and Evolution of Continental Lower Crust: Insights from the Canadian Shield and Beyond I. · T039. Granulite Terranes and Evolution of Continental Lower Crust: Insights from the Canadian Shield and Beyond II. · T041. Volcanism and Tectonics along Rifts and Volcanic Arcs: Understanding the Relationships between Timing, Volumes, and Distributions I. · T041. Volcanism and Tectonics along Rifts and Volcanic Arcs: Understanding the Relationships between Timing, Volumes, and Distributions II. · T046. An Interdisciplinary View of Paleozoic Glaciations and Icehouse Climates: Sedimentology, Paleoclimate, Paleontology, Geochemistry, Geochronology, and Modeling. · T050. Interactions between Life, Tectonics, Climate, and Sedimentary Systems at the Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian Transition I. · T050. Interactions between Life, Tectonics, Climate, and Sedimentary Systems at the Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian Transition II. · T051. Oceans and Climates through Earth History: From Proxy Reconstructions to Model Assessments (Posters). · T055. Insights from Microfossils and Their Modern Analogs: From Traditional to Emerging Approaches (Posters). · T056. Co-Evolution of Earth’s Surface Environment and Eukaryotic Life from the Mid-Proterozoic to Early Paleozoic. · T062. The Co-Evolution of Phanerozoic Climate, Landscapes, and Terrestrial Ecosystems I. · T062. The Co-Evolution of Phanerozoic Climate, Landscapes, and Terrestrial Ecosystems II. · T067. Trends and Patterns in Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Biodiversity and Evolutionary Originations I. · T067. Trends and Patterns in Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Biodiversity and Evolutionary Originations II. · T077. New Insights into the History of Life from Novel Techniques. · T087. Growing a Skeleton: Methodological and Theoretical Approaches to Unraveling the Stories Preserved in Skeletal Materials I. · T087. Growing a Skeleton: Methodological and Theoretical Approaches to Unraveling the Stories Preserved in Skeletal Materials II. · T095. Sigma Gamma Epsilon Student Research (Posters). · T096. Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry: New Approaches to Harnessing the Multidimensionality of Complex Systems I. · T096. Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry: New Approaches to Harnessing the Multidimensionality of Complex Systems II. · T098. Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Under Climate and Anthropogenic Change. · T101. Fundamental Insights from Field and Laboratory Studies Related to the Genesis and Ore-Forming Processes Associated with Granitoid Generation and Evolution to Their Related Alteration and Mineralization. · T103. Geochemical Signatures of Fluid-Rock Interaction: Earth Surface Weathering to Hydrothermal Systems I. · T103. Geochemical Signatures of Fluid-Rock Interaction: Earth Surface Weathering to Hydrothermal Systems II. · T105. Assessing the Fidelity of Geochemical Signals in Deep Time: Primary, Authigenic, and Diagenetic Signals in Proxy Data. · T107. Integrating Geochronological, Geochemical, and Petrological Data—Progress in Petrochronology and Applications. · T109. Bridging the Laboratory–Database Divide in Geochemistry. · T118. Impact Cratering across the Solar System. · T123. Rocks from Space! Using Meteorites to Understand the Physical, Chemical, and Mineralogical Evolution of Planetary Bodies. · T126. Mapping, Minerals, and Metamorphism—Work Small, Think Big I: A Tribute to the Life of Peter Robinson. · T126. Mapping, Minerals, and Metamorphism—Work Small, Think Big II: A Tribute to the Life of Peter Robinson. · T127. Gemological Research in the 21st Century: Gem Minerals and Localities. · T147. Anthropocene Sedimentology: Exploring Human-Sediment Interactions. · T153. Soils and Long-Term Environmental Change I. · T153. Soils and Long-Term Environmental Change II. · T166. Lakes of the World through Time and Space I. · T166. Lakes of the World through Time and Space II. · T179. Applications for DNA Sequencing and Microbial Analysis in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geosciences. · T182. Novel Outcomes in the Hydrologic Sciences: Emerging Areas of Research, New Educational Approaches, Broadening Participation, and Societal Impact. · T201. Urban Geochemistry. · T205. Water, Health and Wealth in a Changing World. · T206. Global Water Resources and Geohealth: Tracing Inorganic Contaminant Origins, Evaluating Human Health Risks, and Remediation/ Mitigation Strategies. · T207. Lead Pollution, Exposure, Health Risks, and Mitigation Strategies I. · T207. Lead Pollution, Exposure, Health Risks, and Mitigation Strategies II. · T208. Environmental Geochemistry and Health I. · T208. Environmental Geochemistry and Health II. · T209. It’s the Dose That Makes the Poison: Advances in Exposure and Dose Assessment for Practical Medical Geology. · T215. Advances in Mineral Chemistry for Petrogenesis and Exploration of Mineral Deposits. · T216. Rare Earth Elements: The Behavior of Critical Minerals in Sedimentary, Magmatic, and Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems.