Apologize for multiple postings
Hello everyone,
"Recent Developments and Applications in earth sciences and archaeology of
electron probe micro-analysis". A virtual workshop that will be offered in
the period 24-27 March 2025. The workshop is on the use of the electron
probe microanalyzer (EPMA) with particular emphasis on modern developments
and geological applications.
New for this year: Geo-archaeology presentations featuring case studies
from Pompeii, and the use of meteorite iron during the Ancient Egypt era
Meet our lecturers (vol.2):
*Ery Hughes *studied Natural Sciences (BA), specialising in Earth Sciences
(MSci), at the University of Cambridge (UK) and then completed her PhD at
the School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol (UK). Her PhD focussed
on developing and combining various microanalytical techniques for the
analysis of volcanic rocks. These included novel techniques to quantify
H2O, CO2, and Fe oxidation state of melts prior to eruption, with a
particular focus on EPMA and SIMS, on samples from Etna (Italy) and
Ōkataina (NZ). She was a post-doctoral scholar at the Division of
Geological and Planetary Sciences, Caltech (USA) and is now a Volcanic
Fluid Geochemist at Te Pū Ao | GNS Science (Aotearoa New Zealand). From
2017–2019, she was the first student representative for the European
Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS). In 2017 she won the EMAS Young Scientist
Award; 2018 the MAS Castaing Award; and 2022 the IAG Young Scientist Award.
Diane Johnson studied for a BSc (Hons) in Astrophysics, at the University
of Central Lancashire, an MSc in Analytical Science at the University of
Hull, with a research project of her own design in the application of ICPMS
and SEM to perform comparative analysis of ordinary and carbonaceous
chondrite meteorites. Then she went on to complete a PhD in Surface Science
at the University of Liverpool focused on understanding the growth and
evolution of nickel oxides and hydroxides applying Scanning Tunnelling
Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy and single crystal synchrotron based
X-ray diffraction. Diane joined Cranfield University staff in 2020,
specialising in applications of Focused Ion Beam microscopy and Time of
Flight Secondary Ionisation Mass Spectrometry. She has previously worked in
a number of different roles and projects within academic research and
analysis in the study of a broad range of materials by scanning electron
and ion beam microscopy, mainly performing research and analysis of
geological materials. She also studies Egyptology in her spare time which
has led to her being awarded a PGCert and PGDip in Egyptology from
Manchester University, reflecting Diane's strong belief in lifelong
Stephen Kuehn is Associate Professor of Geology at Concord University and
director of the Electron Microprobe Laboratory. He has held this position
since 2010, following his tenure as a Visiting Assistant Professor at
Washington and Lee University in 2009-2010, and a Post-Doctoral Research
Fellow at the University of Alberta from 2007 to 2009. His academic and
professional endeavors focus on enhancing the accessibility and analysis of
geological data, including significant contributions to volcanics and rare
earth element analysis. Also, his works on tephrochronology –the use of
volcanic ash (tephra) layers– are able to provide correlations between
sites and age control – including: cryotephra, Quaternary geology, climate
change, paleolimnology, archaeology, and paleoseismology.
Serguei Matveev is a EPMA specialist. He has Graduated from Moscow State
University 1991), Geology/Geochemistry. In 1994 – 1997 received his Ph.D.
in experimental petrology (MPI Mainz, RSES Canberra, University of
Cologne). Then, became Postdoc in Muenster (1998 – 2000) with the duty for
the operation and maintenance of JEOL JXA-8600. In the period 2000 – 2012
hold the Faculty service officer at U of A, Edmonton (Operating/Maintenance
JEOL JXA-8900). 2012 – 2015 VU Amsterdam (Operation/Maintenance JEOL
JXA-8800). In the period 2015 – 2018 Operating JEOL JXA-8530F, XRF, SEM,
dual beam instruments at Utrecht University. Since then (until now), holds
a position at JEOL (Germany) GmbH, as Application specialist EPMA, and SEM
Amanda Ostwald studied Geological Sciences (B.S.) at the University of
Texas at El Paso (2017) before working briefly as a geochemist for Jacobs
at NASA Johnson Space Center. She recently completed her PhD in Geoscience
at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Her dissertation work coupled
microanalytical techniques (EPMA, LA-ICP-MS) and thermodynamic modeling
applied to martian meteorites to better understand their magmatic and
emplacement histories. She also worked on constraining the formation of
igneous rocks identified by Mars rovers, and served as a student
collaborator on the Perseverance rover science team. She is now a Peter
Buck postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of
Natural History. She was a Jack and Fay Ross fellow from 2022 to 2023, and
was the recipient of many other student awards to include: the McKay Award
(2021), the LPI Career Development Award (2020), and was an honourable
mention for the Dwornik Award (2019).
Based on our experience, we are pretty sure that this workshop will provide
VALUABLE new knowledge for the undergraduate students, postgraduates, PhD,
postdocs, senior scientists, and lab managers. Every participant will have
the chance to learn the basics and more advanced aspects of electron probe
The early registration fee is 40 euros and includes the attendance at the
workshop, and FULL access to online material (recordings, presentations,
Late Registration (after 28th February 2025) is possible, however, the
registration fee is increased by 30% at 52 Euros.
Therefore, book your virtual seat as soon as possible.
For more details follow the link:
Register here: https://forms.gle/CArs5mRQFMCm7jCAA
Early Registration deadline: 28th February 2025
On behalf of the EPMA workshop committee,
Best Regards.
Ioannis Baziotis ibaziotis@aua.gr
Associate Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology
Director of the Center of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
Laboratory of Mineralogy and Geology
Agricultural University of Athens
75 Iera Odos St., Athens, 11855 Greece
(+30)-210-529-4155; (+30)-6975967914
Personal site: http://ibaziotis.wix.com/ioannis-baziotis