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AGU Session P029 - Probing Mercury: from origin to present, from core to exosphere

Fischer, Emily
Thu, Jul 18, 2024 2:30 PM

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to session P029 - Probing
Mercury: from origin to present, from core to exosphere at the next
AGU meeting (9-13 December, 2024, in Washington, D.C.).

We invite contributions that advance our understanding of the origin and
evolution of the innermost planet. Topics may address Mercury's interior,
surface, chemical composition, dynamics, exosphere, thermal and magnetic
evolution, as well as investigations of Mercury-like exoplanets. Relevant
research approaches include, but are not limited to, spacecraft data
analysis, ground-based observations, laboratory experiments, and numerical
simulations. Contributions highlighting results (or expected results) from
the ESA-JAXA BepiColombo mission are particularly welcome, as are studies
emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach or highlighting new concepts for
future investigations.

Invited presenters:

Dr. Asmaa Boujibar, Assistant Professor of Planetary Science, Western
Washington University

Dr. Sébastien Besse, BepiColombo Operation Scientist, European Space Agency

The deadline to submit abstracts is Wednesday July 31, 23:59 EDT.


Emily Fischer, Brown University (

Anne Pommier, Carnegie Science (

Stephen Parman, Brown University (

George Cody, Carnegie Science (

We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions, please
reach out to any of the conveners.


Emily, Anne, Steve, and George

*Emily Fischer *
Ph.D. Student
Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science
Brown University

Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to session P029 - Probing Mercury: from origin to present, from core to exosphere <> at the next AGU meeting (9-13 December, 2024, in Washington, D.C.). We invite contributions that advance our understanding of the origin and evolution of the innermost planet. Topics may address Mercury's interior, surface, chemical composition, dynamics, exosphere, thermal and magnetic evolution, as well as investigations of Mercury-like exoplanets. Relevant research approaches include, but are not limited to, spacecraft data analysis, ground-based observations, laboratory experiments, and numerical simulations. Contributions highlighting results (or expected results) from the ESA-JAXA BepiColombo mission are particularly welcome, as are studies emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach or highlighting new concepts for future investigations. Invited presenters: Dr. Asmaa Boujibar, Assistant Professor of Planetary Science, Western Washington University Dr. Sébastien Besse, BepiColombo Operation Scientist, European Space Agency The deadline to submit abstracts is Wednesday July 31, 23:59 EDT. Conveners: Emily Fischer, Brown University ( Anne Pommier, Carnegie Science ( Stephen Parman, Brown University ( George Cody, Carnegie Science ( We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions, please reach out to any of the conveners. Cheers, Emily, Anne, Steve, and George -- *Emily Fischer * Ph.D. Student Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science Brown University