Dear Colleagues,
We are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to you for a special session at Goldschmidt 2025 in Prague (July 6–11), dedicated to celebrating the remarkable contributions of Professor I-Ming Chou to the field of experimental geochemistry.
Session 02n: A Celebration of I-Ming Chou's 80th Birthday: Understanding Geological Processes through Investigating the Physicochemical Properties of Minerals, Fluids, and Melts
Conveners: Linbo Shang, Aaron W. Ashley, Rémy Pierru, Gleb Pokrovski, Xiaolin Wang, Nanfei Cheng
Keynote speaker: Hans Keppler (Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universität Bayreuth)
This session will celebrate Professor Chou's remarkable legacy on the occasion of his 80th birthday. We welcome oral and poster presentations from scientists and students at all career stages, regardless of whether you have directly collaborated with Professor Chou. We particularly encourage submissions spanning laboratory experiments, field studies, and computational simulations.
The abstract submission deadline is February 26, 2025. We hope to see you in Prague to honor Professor Chou’s distinguished career and share your valuable research. Thank you.
Best wishes,
The Conveners
Session description:
Earth materials, including minerals, fluids, and melts, constitute the planet’s interior. Investigating the physicochemical properties of these Earth materials is key to understanding related geological processes which include, but are not limited to, ore deposit formation, climate change dynamics, earthquake genesis, mantle convection and plate tectonics, and volcanic activity. While natural rocks offer invaluable insights into these processes, their records are often incomplete or altered by subsequent geological events. Thus, independent approaches are required to complement traditional geological and geochemical analyses, such as lab experiments conducted under controlled conditions and computational modeling. In addition to geochemistry, geophysical measurements, which are essential for elucidating the structure of planetary interiors, are influenced by the physicochemical properties of Earth materials which vary over the wide range of pressures, temperatures, and compositions across planetary bodies.
In this session, we celebrate the illustrious career of Dr. I-Ming Chou, whose pioneering work has significantly contributed to our understanding of the behavior of Earth materials through laboratory experiments. Such experiments are essential for comprehending field-based geochemical and geophysical observations, and I-Ming's contributions have facilitated advancements in numerous domains, including geochemistry, mineralogy, fluid inclusions, gas hydrates, mineral deposits, petroleum geology, environmental science, deep-sea research, and planetary science. In recognition of I-Ming's work, this session invites a diverse array of submissions that explore a variety of geologic processes through the lens of the physicochemical properties of Earth materials. We warmly encourage submissions from various research approaches, including laboratory experiments, field-based studies, and computational simulations.
Nanfei Cheng, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Experimental Study Under Deep-sea Extreme Conditions
Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sanya, Hainan 572000, China