Sent on behalf of Dr. Tania Martins:
Tanco mica data – a new addition to the MAC repository
On behalf of Petr Černý and colleagues, Dr. Tania Martins of the Manitoba Geological Survey has recently provided data on micas from the Tanco pegmatite to the MAC data repository. These data were collected by Dr. Černý and his student, Sean Margison, in the 1990’ s. Some of these mica data were included in graphs and some explanations in Černý (2005). The raw data are now available to researchers and students.
Černý, P. (2005): The Tanco rare-element pegmatite deposit, Manitoba: regional context, internal anatomy and global comparisons. In Rare-Element Geochemistry and Mineral Deposits (R.L. Linnen and I.M. Samson, eds.), Geological Association of Canada Short Course Notes, 17, 127-158.
The data set is available in XLS format at this URL:
Note that the sample locations in Column B of the XLS sheet are in reference to internal zones of the pegmatite as outlined in Černý (2005).
David London
School of Geology & Geophysics, University of Oklahoma
100 East Boyd Street, Room 710 Sarkeys Energy Center
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
(405) 325 3253 (o), (405) 325 3140 (f)
Electron Microprobe Laboratory:
Pegmatite Interest Group: