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AGU24 Session V014 - Magmas Arising: Tracking Magma Supply from Mantle to Surface at Subduction Zones and Beyond

Andrea Goltz
Tue, Jul 16, 2024 5:45 PM

Dear Colleagues,

If you plan to attend AGU this December, we hope you will consider
submitting an abstract to session V014: "Magmas Arising: Tracking Magma
Supply from Mantle to Surface at Subduction Zones and Beyond" by the July
31st abstract submission deadline.

Please see abstract below or on the AGU webpage for more
information, and please follow this link to submit to
this session by 11:59 PM EDT on the 31st of July.

All the best,

Session V014 Conveners:
Andrea Goltz, Ben Black, Forrest Horton, and Samer Naif

Magma generation and transcrustal ascent rates are key to understanding
crustal thermal structure, the short- and long-term eruptive behavior of
volcanoes, and volatile cycling between Earth's interior and atmosphere. In
this session, we explore the current state of knowledge on mantle-derived
magma fluxes in subduction settings and beyond. We invite submissions that
comment on the supply rate and volumes of mantle-derived magma transported
from the mantle and to the surface using numerical models, geochemistry,
volcanic gas chemistry, experimental petrology, field studies,
geochronology, geophysical imaging, or other methods. We also encourage
submissions that further our understanding of processes associated with the
generation and transport of melt in and from the mantle.
multidisciplinary session on mantle-derived magma fluxes will encourage
interdisciplinary collaboration and guide future efforts to establish
monitoring networks at magmatic centers.

Dear Colleagues, If you plan to attend AGU this December, we hope you will consider submitting an abstract to session V014: "Magmas Arising: Tracking Magma Supply from Mantle to Surface at Subduction Zones and Beyond" by the July 31st abstract submission deadline. Please see abstract below or on the AGU webpage <> for more information, and please follow this link <> to submit to this session by 11:59 PM EDT on the 31st of July. All the best, Session V014 Conveners: Andrea Goltz, Ben Black, Forrest Horton, and Samer Naif Magma generation and transcrustal ascent rates are key to understanding crustal thermal structure, the short- and long-term eruptive behavior of volcanoes, and volatile cycling between Earth's interior and atmosphere. In this session, we explore the current state of knowledge on mantle-derived magma fluxes in subduction settings and beyond. *We invite submissions that comment on the supply rate and volumes of mantle-derived magma transported from the mantle and to the surface using numerical models, geochemistry, volcanic gas chemistry, experimental petrology, field studies, geochronology, geophysical imaging, or other methods. We also encourage submissions that further our understanding of processes associated with the generation and transport of melt in and from the mantle.* This multidisciplinary session on mantle-derived magma fluxes will encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and guide future efforts to establish monitoring networks at magmatic centers.