Dear colleagues,
We are co-hosting a session at the SGA 2025 Meeting which will be in Golden, Colorado on the Colorado School of Mines campus. We would welcome a contribution to our session Ore Deposits Associated with Magmatic Systems: Alkaline Magmatism and Carbonatites.
The session description is below:
There is a strong interest for mineral resources associated with alkaline complexes and carbonatites, which typically show enrichment in commodities such as rare earth elements (REE), high field strength elements (HFSE), phosphate, etc. These commodities are considered as strategic or critical for various industrial sectors in the general context of a move towards a greener world.
The processes leading to the concentration of these elements into economic quantities are complex, locally superimposed, and can be magmatic, metasomatic, hydrothermal or even supergene in origin.
This session intends to focus on these processes, via study cases from around the world, as well as more advanced petrography and geochemical works highlighting the complex (and often uncommon) mineralogy of these mineralized rocks.
Our invited speaker is Sam Broom-Fendley from the University of Exeter, UK
Please see the SGA website ( to register for the meeting, submit your abstract, and to register for pre- and post-meeting field trips and/or short courses. Abstract submission is January 6 to February 21. With your participation we are looking forward to a great session!
Very respectfully,
Nolwenn Coint, Sophie Decree, and Danielle Olinger
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Nolwenn Coint
Bedrock geologist
P. O box 6315 Torgarden
7491 Trondheim, Norway
Visiting address:
Leiv Eirikssons vei 39
Phone: +47 96 01 72 57
Dear colleagues,
Just a reminder, as the 21rst of February is approaching fast.
We are co-hosting a session at the SGA 2025 Meeting which will be in Golden, Colorado on the Colorado School of Mines campus. We would welcome a contribution to our session Ore Deposits Associated with Magmatic Systems: Alkaline Magmatism and Carbonatites.
The session description is below:
There is a strong interest for mineral resources associated with alkaline complexes and carbonatites, which typically show enrichment in commodities such as rare earth elements (REE), high field strength elements (HFSE), phosphate, etc. These commodities are considered as strategic or critical for various industrial sectors in the general context of a move towards a greener world.
The processes leading to the concentration of these elements into economic quantities are complex, locally superimposed, and can be magmatic, metasomatic, hydrothermal or even supergene in origin.
This session intends to focus on these processes, via study cases from around the world, as well as more advanced petrography and geochemical works highlighting the complex (and often uncommon) mineralogy of these mineralized rocks.
Our invited speaker is Sam Broom-Fendley from the University of Exeter, UK
Please see the SGA website ( to register for the meeting, submit your abstract, and to register for pre- and post-meeting field trips and/or short courses. Abstract submission is January 6 to February 21. With your participation we are looking forward to a great session!
Very respectfully,
Nolwenn Coint, Sophie Decree, and Danielle Olinger
[Text Description automatically generated]
Nolwenn Coint
Bedrock geologist
P. O box 6315 Torgarden
7491 Trondheim, Norway
Visiting address:
Leiv Eirikssons vei 39
Phone: +47 96 01 72 57