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Call for Abstracts: GSA Cordillera 2025 Session on Tectonics and Magmatism in the Cascades

Platt, Bryant W
Mon, Jan 6, 2025 7:01 PM

I would like to invite you to submit an abstract to Session T15: “Tectonics and Magmatism in the Modern and Ancestral Cascades Volcanic Arc” at the Geological Society of America 2025 Cordillera Section Meeting in Sacramento, California.  The abstract deadline is 28 January 2025.
Session Description:
Constraining how the interplay of tectonics and magmatism have influenced the development of the modern and ancestral Cascades is essential for improving our understanding of myriad processes, such as magma petrogenesis, eruption dynamics, landscape evolution, and the late Cenozoic evolution of the Cordillera.  These processes also have profound public safety implications, particularly for volcanic and seismic hazard characterization.  Despite this, discussions of various aspects of Cascades geology have often remained siloed within their relevant subdisciplines.
The objective of this session is to foster interdisciplinary discussion of the mineral to plate scale processes that influence the development and characteristics of the modern and ancestral Cascades Volcanic Arc.  We invite contributions that examine a broad range of topics, such as magma storage, structural influences on magmatism, eruption dynamics, geologic mapping, structural dynamics, and geologic hazard characterization in the Cascades or other analogous volcanic arcs.

Abstract submission deadline: 28 January 2025

Bryant Platt (U.S. Geological Survey, Geoscience and Environmental Change Science Center, Denver, Colorado)


Bryant Platt
U.S. Geological Survey
Staff Profile

Hello, I would like to invite you to submit an abstract to Session T15: “Tectonics and Magmatism in the Modern and Ancestral Cascades Volcanic Arc” at the Geological Society of America 2025 Cordillera Section Meeting<> in Sacramento, California. The abstract deadline is 28 January 2025. Session Description: Constraining how the interplay of tectonics and magmatism have influenced the development of the modern and ancestral Cascades is essential for improving our understanding of myriad processes, such as magma petrogenesis, eruption dynamics, landscape evolution, and the late Cenozoic evolution of the Cordillera. These processes also have profound public safety implications, particularly for volcanic and seismic hazard characterization. Despite this, discussions of various aspects of Cascades geology have often remained siloed within their relevant subdisciplines. The objective of this session is to foster interdisciplinary discussion of the mineral to plate scale processes that influence the development and characteristics of the modern and ancestral Cascades Volcanic Arc. We invite contributions that examine a broad range of topics, such as magma storage, structural influences on magmatism, eruption dynamics, geologic mapping, structural dynamics, and geologic hazard characterization in the Cascades or other analogous volcanic arcs. Abstract submission deadline: 28 January 2025 Convener: Bryant Platt (U.S. Geological Survey, Geoscience and Environmental Change Science Center, Denver, Colorado) Best, Bryant Platt (He/Him/His) Geologist U.S. Geological Survey Staff Profile<>