Dear colleagues,
Some news about the /EMPG-2025* meeting that will take
place at Orléans, France, on June 16-19 2025.
The *deadlines *for the Early and Regular registrations have been
*postponed *to February 21st and March 17th respectively.
Several free inscriptions for students are available (see procedure
We recall that abstract submission (1 per subscription) must be done
here March
17th), and payment must be done there
On the Web-site, you will
also find news about:
- The field trip
(please reacts promptly if you are interested)
Best regards from the Organizing committee.
** *EMPG means Experimental Mineralogy Petrology and Geochemistry,
that is to say the congress for those who use experiments to understand
the functioning of Earth's and planetary systems.
Please save the date and plan your travel as there will be, around
mid-June to early-July 2025, three important meetings in a row in
Europe: EMPG-2025 in Orléans, IAVCEI-2025 in Geneva, and the
Goldschmidt-2025 in Prague.
Dear colleagues,
Some news about the */EMPG-2025
<>*/* meeting that will take
place at *Orléans*, France, on June 16-19 2025.
The *deadlines *for the Early and Regular registrations have been
*postponed *to February 21st and March 17th respectively.
Several *free inscriptions for students* are available (see procedure
here <>).
We recall that *abstract submission* (1 per subscription) must be done
here <>(before March
17th), and *payment* must be done there
On the *Web-site <>*, you will
also find news about:
- The field trip <>
(please reacts promptly if you are interested)
- The *Science Program
Best regards from the Organizing committee.
** **EMPG means* Experimental Mineralogy Petrology and Geochemistry,
that is to say the congress for those who use experiments to understand
the functioning of Earth's and planetary systems.
Please save the date and plan your travel as there will be, around
mid-June to early-July 2025, three important meetings in a row in
Europe: EMPG-2025 in Orléans, IAVCEI-2025 in Geneva, and the
Goldschmidt-2025 in Prague.