MSA-Pegmatite Interest Group

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PIG postings: Best Shots

MSA-Pegmatite Interest Group
Tue, Mar 30, 2021 2:39 PM

Hello PIGs:

There are two new photo entries on PIG under the "Best Shots" banner. In one, Richard Bedell sent in a digital version of a group author/presenter photo from the pegmatites short course in Winnipeg, Canada, in 1982. The entry includes a list of names of those present and their corresponding locations in the photo. in a second posting, Sten-Anders Smeds sent photos of a runic inscription in a pegmatite boulder in Sweden. The creators of that runestone probably could not have chosen a more difficult rock to chisel.

David London

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Hello PIGs: There are two new photo entries on PIG under the "Best Shots" banner. In one, Richard Bedell sent in a digital version of a group author/presenter photo from the pegmatites short course in Winnipeg, Canada, in 1982. The entry includes a list of names of those present and their corresponding locations in the photo. in a second posting, Sten-Anders Smeds sent photos of a runic inscription in a pegmatite boulder in Sweden. The creators of that runestone probably could not have chosen a more difficult rock to chisel. David London Learn about pegmatites and join the Pegmatite Interest Group at