MSA-Pegmatite Interest Group
Tue, Apr 30, 2019 2:15 PM
Hello PIGs:
This is a reminder that you may submit short articles, photos, and questions for all to share
and comment on the Pegmatite Interest Group page of MSA. You may notify PIGs of articles
in print elsewhere, but those cannot be posted to PIG unless they are open access or past
the date of publisher's embargo. You may announce meetings or other activities of interest to
PIGs. To do so, you send your offering to me, I edit and vet it for inclusion, return it to you for
approval, I send it to MSA business office for final approval, and they post it to the site.
David London
School of Geology & Geophysics, University of Oklahoma
100 East Boyd Street, Room 710 Sarkeys Energy Center
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
(405) 325 3253 (o), (405) 325 3140 (f)
Electron Microprobe Laboratory: ou.edu/empl
Pegmatite Interest Group: www.minsocam.org/msa/Special/Pig/
Hello PIGs:
This is a reminder that you may submit short articles, photos, and questions for all to share
and comment on the Pegmatite Interest Group page of MSA. You may notify PIGs of articles
in print elsewhere, but those cannot be posted to PIG unless they are open access or past
the date of publisher's embargo. You may announce meetings or other activities of interest to
PIGs. To do so, you send your offering to me, I edit and vet it for inclusion, return it to you for
approval, I send it to MSA business office for final approval, and they post it to the site.
David London
School of Geology & Geophysics, University of Oklahoma
100 East Boyd Street, Room 710 Sarkeys Energy Center
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
(405) 325 3253 (o), (405) 325 3140 (f)
Electron Microprobe Laboratory: ou.edu/empl
Pegmatite Interest Group: www.minsocam.org/msa/Special/Pig/