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EGU2025 - GMPV7.2

Chiara Maria Petrone
Mon, Jan 13, 2025 11:25 AM

Dear Colleagues,

we would like to call your attention to the session GMPV7.2-Magmatic crystals: Texture, chemical zoning, timescales and processes at the upcoming EGU General Assembly 2025, to be held in Vienna from 27 April to 2 May 2025.

This session proposes a comprehensive view of minerals as “microscopic scale archives” of magmatic processes and welcome contributions aimed at decoding all the information that can be extracted from crystals, based on cutting edge and/or more traditional approaches, such as chemical zoning, isotopic systematics, geothermobarometry, experimental works, kinetic and numerical modelling.
For details, please see session description below or at the link:

The abstract submission deadline is the 15 January 2025, 13:00 CET. Information on abstract submission can be found at:

We invite you to submit an abstract and extend the invitation to all people who may be interested.

Looking forward your contributions,

All the best,

Chiara, Helena and Carlo

Dr Chiara Maria Petrone, IMP (She/Her)
Merit Researcher Volcano Petrology
Co-Editor-in-Chief EPSL

Volcano Petrology Group
Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road,
London SW7 5BD, UK

Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 5623


Please note that I might send and answer email outside normal work hours. This is intended to help with my schedule, but I do not expect others to do the same.

Dear Colleagues, we would like to call your attention to the session GMPV7.2-Magmatic crystals: Texture, chemical zoning, timescales and processes at the upcoming EGU General Assembly 2025, to be held in Vienna from 27 April to 2 May 2025. This session proposes a comprehensive view of minerals as “microscopic scale archives” of magmatic processes and welcome contributions aimed at decoding all the information that can be extracted from crystals, based on cutting edge and/or more traditional approaches, such as chemical zoning, isotopic systematics, geothermobarometry, experimental works, kinetic and numerical modelling. For details, please see session description below or at the link: The abstract submission deadline is the 15 January 2025, 13:00 CET. Information on abstract submission can be found at: We invite you to submit an abstract and extend the invitation to all people who may be interested. Looking forward your contributions, All the best, Chiara, Helena and Carlo -- Dr Chiara Maria Petrone, IMP (She/Her) Merit Researcher Volcano Petrology Co-Editor-in-Chief EPSL Volcano Petrology Group Natural History Museum Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 5623 Email:<> [signature_727718822] Please note that I might send and answer email outside normal work hours. This is intended to help with my schedule, but I do not expect others to do the same.