Announce list for all GSW members

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DC Geology Event: Afternoon at the Arboretum on April 13th with DMV AWG

Announce list for all GSW members
Wed, Apr 3, 2024 6:31 PM

Dear Members of the Geological Society of Washington:

The DMV Chapter of the Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) is hosting an event on April 13th at the National Arboretum, which will be open it to all geologists (or geology enthusiasts) in the area. The event will involve a stop by the Capitol Columns to talk about their history and geology, followed by a brown bag lunch among the grove of state trees. The direct event link is:

For questions, please email

Dear Members of the Geological Society of Washington: The DMV Chapter of the Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) is hosting an event on April 13th at the National Arboretum, which will be open it to all geologists (or geology enthusiasts) in the area. The event will involve a stop by the Capitol Columns to talk about their history and geology, followed by a brown bag lunch among the grove of state trees. The direct event link is: For questions, please email<>.